Friday, April 12, 2013

Murder by Liberals: The Progressive Party of Death

The trial of Kermit Gosnell is yet another example of the hypocrisy of the Party of Death. The Pro Choice - Gun Control - Thought Control - Worship Obamamaniac legions consider themselves the elite ruling class who speaks for all Americans world citizens. What are we hearing from the Party of Death? Hear that? Wait for it...yes, crickets.

Adam Lanza commits the unthinkable in Newtown and the Party of  Death is all over the media with cries for gun control. The outcry over sexual abuse by priests or teachers gets wall-to-wall media coverage. Where is the outcry and the outrage by these hypocrites over the savage acts committed at the hands of Gosnell and his minions? To those of us who do choose life, we are just as sickened and saddened by what this man has done as we were when news broke about the murders in Newtown. We are just as sickened and saddened by the choices that are made each and every day by women who choose to abort murder their babies as we are by any cold blooded murderer who terrorizes a college campus or a movie theater. For those of us who choose life, there are no distinctions between these acts or the people who have committed these acts.

That does not hold for the Party of Death who views abortion as a woman's choice rather than murder. So I guess it should not be so surprising when the media outlets are silent on the Gosnell trial. It is counter to the Party of Death's right to choose. Why the outrage by these hypocrites over Newtown and silence on the murder of babies who dies at the hands of Gosnell the butcher?

How can anyone be proud to support such hypocrisy and pretend to care about other human beings? How low will this nation and the world be allowed to go when a so-called enlightened society such as ours sees nothing wrong with the murder of innocent babies yet screams for gun control over what happened in Newtown?

It is evil, no matter how you try to explain it away. It is no different than ancient cultures who sacrificed children to appease whatever god that culture worshiped. How can any intelligent human being think it is OK to support abortion and in the same breath believe capital punishment is wrong? How do you justify the slaughter of babies and call it a woman's choice?

It's called hypocrisy.